1] To really go fast, you get the car do most of the work.
Translation - The driver, alone, can only do so much. The tools [the car] and techniques [the set-up] need to be in play. Hard driving [only] can't supplant great equipment and technology. In SALES, the same is true - [The best available] Process, Product, and Sales Support Mechanisms get you 'on track' for success.
2] The driver can't just be a long for the ride, either.
2] The driver can't just be a long for the ride, either.
Translation - At some point in time, in the race and in SALES, you have to just 'go for it'. Bravery, Conviction, Tenacity, Fight, and more [you will hear the 'B' reference below] will win the day.
Here was my Lesson 1.